We accept online contributions through NetworkforGood on-line fundraising engine. To support the +421 Foundation Inc., please click on the DONATE NOW button below or use a direct Capital One Bank Giving site by clicking on the button below.
We highly appreciate your support and do our best to enhance the +421 Foundation’s mission.
Your dollar donations are tax-deductible (according to law), you’ll receive an e-mail receipt for your records. The nonprofit sector cannot take the place of government programs, nor can it single-handedly cure the ills and disparities of society. But each of us can make a difference in a small way, in our own sphere, and can find ways to help that will make our efforts worth the time and trouble we invest in them.
Fast facts about giving
89% of American households make a contribution to one or more charitable organization.
The average gift of contributing households is $1,620, or 3.1% of income.
According to Giving USA, individual Americans gave more than $222 billion to charitable and community causes in 2007.
Some of the best reasons to give
Giving helps keep taxes and other costs down.
Giving returns to society some of the benefits society gives you.
Giving lets those who have more, share with those who have less.
Giving encourages more giving - you can set an example for others.
When you donate to your favorite charities and causes through Network for Good, you receive the benefit of knowing you're helping to make a difference. But you're also receiving the benefit of a deduction to apply to your taxes.